Tuesday, December 20, 2011

First day of construction.

The first day was very fun, but wiped me out physically. We had people show up and remove the handy-cap ramp and moved plants out of the way. They took down a fence, and then we started removing the concrete. The stairs leading up to the front door proved to be a challenge. But after much sledge hammer work it finally gave way.

It was good to get back in the seat of an excavator but when your muscles have gone to pot from being ravaged by ALS, it was a work out. My back and neck muscles are so sore. I will give it one more try tomorrow as we finish up the digging for the foundation, and then I can go back to retirement.

I had given thought to trying to name everyone that shows up each day to help but I’m not sure if that’s possible because so many people came and went today that its hard to keep up with who came and went. So if I mention some names in the blog and you helped out but your name didn’t get mentioned I apologize. I know today while I was inside getting warmed up and using the bathroom some guys showed up and did some clean up and left before I got out to see them.

Well thanks to everyone who pitched in today to lend a helping hand. I will post a few pictures but will post a bunch to the picture tab. Just remember that when you go to the picture tab and you click on the slide show of pictures click on it again and it will take you to our flicker account where you can view them in a better format.

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